The Murder and Afterlife
of Senator David Broderick


Eldredge, Zoeth Skinner, History of California, New York: The Century History Company, 1915.

Heizer, Robert F. and Alan F. Almquist, The Other Californians: Prejudice and Discrimination under Spain, Mexico, and the United States to 1920, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1971.

May, Antoinette, Haunted Houses and Wandering Ghosts of California, San Francisco: Examiner Special Projects, 1977.

Svanevik, Michael and Shirley Burgett, Pillars of the Past: A Guide to Cypress Lawn Memorial Park, San Francisco: Custom and Limited Editions, 1992.

Return to the first part, The Man and the Times
Return to the second part, The Duel and Its Aftermath
Return to the third part, His Immortal Legacy